Christmas collections raise over £1,500 for local charity

Makinson Arcade  Christmas collections raise over £1,500 for local charity

Christmas collections raise over £1,500 for local charity

We’ve enjoyed two fabulous festive weekends here at The Galleries. The Christmas market saw hundreds of people come down to buy festive gift items as well as food and drink over the first two weekends in December. Enjoying the atmosphere and getting everyone into the Christmas spirit, the Wigan Ukulele Band kept everyone entertained with their tunes whilst EBublio Magic wowed the crowds with their tricks.

Santa, housed in the Christmas Tree in Woodcock Square, was super busy greeting lots of children and hearing all about their special Christmas wishes. During the two weekends our own little Galleries Christmas elves were busy collecting money for the Storehouse Project and thanks to the help of the Ukelele Band and Ebublio we raised a staggering £1553.57, thank you to the people of Wigan for their generous donations and for helping this worthy cause.

About the Storehouse Project

The Storehouse Project, based in The Galleries in Wigan, is a Christian charity that collects food, clothing, furniture and household items from members of the community and delivers them to clients referred in to the service by agencies.

Our clients come from all walks of life; the only criteria they have to meet is that they have been referred by a verified agency that works alongside us (e.g. the council, the NHS, other local charities) and there’s no cost to our service at any point.